IGN (INNOVATION.Grenzüberschreitendes Netzwerk) e.V.
Doz. Dr. Frank HOFFMANN Martin-Andersen-Nexö-Str. 4 01217 DRESDEN
Telefon: +49-351-403.2729 Fax: +49-351-401.4260
Internet: gdi-sn.blogspot.com/ Email: Vorstand@IGN-SN.de
About IGN e.V.“IGN – INNOVATION.Grenzüberschreitendes Netzwerk e.V.“ has been founded at September 2nd, 2003 in Dresden (Germany) as a non-profit charity Association (gemeinnütziger Verein) by Czechia and Saxonia experts of Cybernetics, Geomatics, Cyberlaw, Economics, Mediamatics, Process&Project Management and Spatial Sciences to support GEO – ENVIRO – SPATIO – oriented Sustainability, Interoperability, and Usability of Data, Services and Applications.IGN is about networking citizens, public administrations and private industries (especially SME“s) interactively together for actual FP7 projectsin the enlarged EUROPE of REGIONS, and is supporting a globalized, euro-regional, transnational, as well as cross-sectoral and cross-border networked EAST-WEST and NORTH-SOUTH collaboration and interoperation.